Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Well here we stand.

This is finally the last blog post for this class. I'll be sure to comment on a few other people's posts and such, but this is the closing of the story for this class. Here I sit at 2AM the day of the final, listening to music from the video game Okami. It's a sad song too. Which is kind of fitting. I want to say that I've whined and complained here on this blog in several posts about not getting the point of the blog, and I'd be lying if I said I got it by now. I can understand wanting to display our work and keep it organized but I personally think that there are several better options to it. If you even wanted to keep to a blog format, do it for Word Press. Despite my whining though I sit here finishing this project.

Now I don't want you get to me wrong, I love this life drawing class. I really, really do. I enjoy it thoroughly even though it does get a little monotonous having to draw nearly the same thing every day. But I still love the class and I enjoyed the teacher. She was really laid back and created a wonderful atmosphere for the class which I really enjoyed and her teaching methods were well implemented.

For a reflection of my own work in the process of all of this though, I think I improved some, I got a better understanding of making the body more grounded with a skeleton before making any of the body mass work. I personally don't think that the muscle assignment helped me that much in learning about how the human body is built up, I think I would need a little more than just a single semester to really study how to the body is built up be able to recognize what muscle is being displayed on the body.

Over all, I would like to think that my drawing skill has increased because of this class, but I'm still not as good as I would like to be. In the end, here is the link to my flickr account: http://www.flickr.com/photos/42765524@N04/

1 comment:

  1. I understand the confusion and the suggested ridiculousness of this blog but I'm sure it serves some purpose. My understanding of it was that it allowed for us to be part of a community of other artists and gave us a chance to discuss problems or successes, leave rants or raves, or to just process the information we were taking in. Also in writing you can figure out your own voice as a person and as an artist you can morph that voice into whatever form you would like it to take. That's my two cents. :)
