Monday, December 20, 2010

Field Trip

At one point through the semester our life drawing class took a field trip off to the Walker Art Center and Bell Museum of Natural History. During our trip to the Walker art center we were supposed to find out about one of the artists and write about them unfortunately due to complications we didn't have enough time to simply find one artist and write about their work. Instead this post is about the entire experience in both of the museums.

I myself am sort of a fan of some contemporary art, but some of the art at the Walker Art Center was just a bit to out there for my tastes. Most of the stuff I didn't really understand, much less like. One of the more memorable exhibits I saw there was an exhibit about the phases of life. It had several different parts, ranging from being a star, to playing an online game that simulates life, along with other pieces of work. I didn't understand the exhibit at first but I did recognize the game when they were showing it, which is what caught my attention initially.

Next we went to the Bell Museum of Natural History. This was a small history museum based on exhibiting taxidermy animals. During our trip there we were supposed to draw a picture or two of either a taxidermy animal, a real animal that was there or a skull/ bone that they had upstairs. I did a few pictures but they seem to have gotten lost recently so unfortunately I can't upload them. I did really enjoy the whole trip out to the other museums though and I thought some of it was helpful to our learning experience by seeing what others are doing for art currently in the world and learning about different bone structures and body structures outside of humans.

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